Icelandic Horse

Iceland doesn’t let any other horse breed enter its island borders.  They say the Vikings brought the ancestor of this horse to Iceland in or around 800 A.D.

My curiosity was piqued so I signed up for a horse ride before departing from home.  It was my first day in Iceland. After a morning adventure at the Blue Lagoon, I arrived at my lodging just minutes before heading off for my horse ride.

The driver arrived in a pickup truck at my lodging and off we went.  He spoke English and we chitchatted about Iceland.  He had read the few Icelandic books I had read so that served as a good base for the conversation.  About an hour later, we arrived at a long gate to a horse farm.

The horses were already suited up for a ride and waiting.  (I think I was the last arrival for that trip.)  All were pony horse sized and they came in a full array of colors.

We rode through the farmlands and onto a lovely valley with a rock ledge overlooking a waterfall.  Though we were gone more than hour, I couldn’t quite pick up on the canter/gallop gait for which they are famous.  All seemed usual to this non-expert.


Icelandic Horse

Icelandic Horses

If you’re in Iceland, I recommend taking a horse ride.  You can learn more about these horses at Wikipedia and Whats On.

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible.

Buy it. Read it. Let me know what you think. –TMLL

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