Monthly Archives: November 2019

Machu Picchu

Peru:  They say Machu Picchu was built in or around the 1400s, over a span of one hundred years.  The guide told us that in the 1500s, the locals had removed all the city’s gold and deserted the city to

Posted in World Glimpses


KGB terror Misinformation Instigating chaos Casting dispersions Annexation   Hammer and sickle Surveillance Informants Disappearances Gulag Torture   Former Soviet Block Grim faces Cold demeanors Drab colors Gray candy wrappers   USA Strong Nixon to Khrushchev Kennedy to Castro American

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Ghana.  In the Town of Sirigu, you can visit SWOPA to see the traditional exterior wall painting done by women. This women’s art collective, SWOPA, keeps the tradition alive. Sirigu is in the north of Ghana.  Each home in this

Posted in World Glimpses


Seated on her wooden rocking chair, she looked out the far window.  A wide, red spruce’s trunk dominated the view.  The squirrels screeched and posed like fluffy stuffed animals.  Next to the window was the mahogany staircase that she admired

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