Setting the tone for Italia

“All things ready, if our mind be so.” —William Shakespeare

In getting ready for another trip to Italy, I wanted to get my mind in gear. In addition to another Italian language course, I watched some movies and read some books.  I watched Under the Tuscan Sun, The Tourist, Trip to Italy, Roman Holiday, The Bicycle Thief, It Started in Naples, and Nine. You may want to find a production of Shakespeare’s Caesar too. And I read these books:

Italian Neighbors by Tim Parks

The last Italian by William Murray

La Bella Figura, by Beppe Severgnini 

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (The EAT section is in Italy.)

A Traveller in Rome by H.V. Morton (a bit slow, but enjoyable if you aren’t in a hurry)

Mussolini: His Part in My Downfall by Spike Mulligan (a bit off track but a quick read)

an updated Lonely Planet: Italy

New Italian Women, Collection of Short Fiction (I had to struggle to get through this.)

Adrian Gladswothy’s history book, Caesar: Life of a Colussus

Rick Steves’ Italy (2004)

A bit off beat, but Marianella Sciavi’s Italian Lady Goes to the Bronx gives insight into how Italy may look at the USA.

And it is always good to look at a map. Buon Viaggio!   

Tattoo—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available on Amazon and on iBooks and on Barnes and Noble. Get an ebook or paper book now.

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