Zion National Park

Musings in Utah from the next tent down…

The scenery is like a fine chord. But there is more. Looking at my environment made me wonder if perhaps the Nth dimension has been here all the time, just appearing as stone. Can you see the palace beyond the castle walls? Is that the sphinx? Is that two Dr. Seuss creatures rubbing noses? Is that a ninja turtle? 

I wandered the trails and pondered the giant creatures and the architecture. Geologists may take issue with my descriptions, but I think they are closer to reality than they seem.  When my gaze upon the mountains of stacked pancakes gave way to staring down a live rattlesnake, I knew the elements were playing with my reality. I don’t think it was any impairment from the intense heat. These environs truly bestow wonderment.

Zion NP is Utah’s first national park.







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Posted in Found in the USA

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