Aboriginal rock art

Australia, Northwest Territory.  Here are some photos of Aboriginal Rock Art.  I spoke of this in Chapter 18 of TATTOO:  “Some of the rock had what looked like colorful but weathered graffiti that was called ‘rock art.’ The art is not able to be carbon dated but it was said that some rock art sites started 40,000 years ago based on archeological excavations at the sites. A guide explained that the painting on the rock was done with ochre, a long lasting paint that sunk into the rock; he wet a piece of ochre and used it to paint red around his wrist and showed us that while he was able to wash off his outer skin, the red paint had already sunk below his skin surface. We were told that up until the 1960s, the indigenous peoples painted traditional paintings over older paintings. So I never had a good sense of whether I was viewing artwork that was rendered in contemporary or olden times.”—TMLL

rock art 1

Find the boomerang P.S. My notes say the yellow squiggly lines are a serpent.

water lily

water lily

malevolent spirit

spirit man

rock art 4

Hunters and a crocodile

rock art 6

Is it a wallaby or a kangaroo?

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks. Get an ebook or paper book now.

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