
Why does Turkey have so many land turtles?  Bigger turtles roamed the hillsides.  A tiny turtle might make its way to a picnic area.  My Turkish journal’s reflection:  if you see a turtle on a fence post, you know it had some help getting there.

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Bicycling in South Africa, just outside of Cape Town, I stopped to taste wine at a winery with a brand name of Goats do Roam. It does sound fancy and French if you slur it together.  Goats roamed at that vineyard too.

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Locals who had immigrated to the USA told me of the low status of women in Ethiopia.  Once there, I was impressed with how women seemed well respected in Northern Ethiopia. Then I came to understand that domestic livestock are treated with great respect there.  Hmm.

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In my kitchen is a miniature vase that my mother brought back from a business trip to Indiana. She was a woman rarely short on spunk. Yet I remember her at age 50, returning from that trip and saying how amazed she was that she had managed to take a trip so far from home, all on her own.  Our unspoken fears hold us back. What am I not doing because I think I can’t?

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Accrostics have been in the news. So what words of wisdom might TRAVEL have on offer?

Tackle the mountain

Reach for the stars

Act when you know what you want

Vivacious is within your reach

Eat, drink and be merry

Live life to the fullest

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazonand BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible,

Buy it. Read it. Let me know what you think. –TMLL

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