Springfield, IL

Given the current weather, I’m reflecting on travels I have undertaken in the snow. One January, I had driven around Southern Illinois with the goal of seeing the Bald Eagles in the winter by the Mississippi River.  On my way down to see the eagles, I spent a day in Springfield.

Springfield was white with snow and snow showers continued while I was there. It was the historical bits about Abraham Lincoln that I enjoyed the most. You could walk about Lincoln’s law office that had been located above a federal courtroom. Looking out of his office windows at the falling snow, I felt I was sharing in something Lincoln had experienced. I was the only visitor at the time, a benefit of traveling in the snow.

Abraham Lincoln watched courtrooms in progress and then he studied law books (Blackstone’s Commentaries). After taking an oral examination, he received his license to practice law in the State of Illinois. He was 25 years old.  You can tour his law office but, in fact, Lincoln traveled by horse around the county to offer his legal services. Historians say he kept few written records on his court cases. How times have changed!

It was time to regroup with a hot cup of tea. I remember stopping in for lunch and ordering tea. To my surprise, I received a glass of tea filled with ice. It is the little things that genuinely remind me I’m far away from home.

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible.

Buy it. Read it. Let me know what you think. –TMLL

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