Llama, Alpaca and Guanaco

Llama, Alpaca and Guanaco are all Peruvian locals.

As a tourist, I confess that I mostly paid attention to the fact that they were different types of animals because of the texture of sweater to be made by each animal’s wool.  Alpaca sweaters were most recommended, then Guanaco and then Llama. (The rare Vicuna have the most sought after wool but I didn’t see any of those sweaters.)

Most times, they would be in an enclosure, but other times, they would be seemingly roaming free in what looked like the middle of nowhere.

Their long necks make them look like they are curious about you.

Enterprising locals would charge tourists for a photo with their animal – guidebooks had warned not to support that sort of thing as it wasn’t so good for the animal.

I had gone hiking with a llama in northern Maine and the llamas of Peru didn’t look half so ornery as the Maine residents; I never saw them spit.


You will be always correct if you call them Camelids!  No relation to the Giraffe.

TATTOO—Journeys on My Mind by Tina Marie L. Lamb is available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble and iBooks and Audible.

Buy it. Read it. Let me know what you think. –TMLL

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