Ostrich Reflections

I have always found the Ostrich to be a curious bird, not one to stick its head in the sand. These birds generally move along in a stately manner even as they cover much ground in a short amount of time.  A male and female with ten chicks in between them, moved as one horizontal line with the parents moving slowly and the chicks taking many quick steps. Then there was a male twirling in a graceful mating dance. At a closer distance than I would have liked, two females engaged in a nasty fight. The ostrich is a bird that is best treated with respect. I was careful not to take sides.

For “Amazing Facts about the Ostrich,” click HERE.

Ostrich Reflections

O for Omnivore

S for Strong wings

T for Two-toed

R for Runner

I for Independent

C for Claws

H for Huge eggs

Curiously, the Ostrich is not related to the Giraffe though both have big eyes!

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